Saturday, October 24, 2009

Urban Abbey Retreat at Shrine Mont

The Urban Abbey community will hold a retreat at Shrine Mont Retreat Center in Orkney Springs, Virginia, from Friday evening, Nov. 6, 2009 through noon Sunday, Nov. 8, 2009. The retreat is entitled "Taste & See" and will provide opportunities to sample various Abbey practices. We especially invite folks who are curious about the Urban Abbey and would like to find out more about what it means to be an Urban Abbey member.

Some of the events planned for the retreat are: Daily Offices, Taize, Guided Meditation, Lectio Divina, Journaling Workshop, Meditative Walk, Presentation on St. Teresa of Avila (drawing upon "The Way of Perfection"), Listening Groups, Worship in Cathedral Shrine with St. Anne's, and "Feed God's People" and "Sharing the Meal" discussions.

The cost of the weekend is $180, which includes meals and a single room. If you prefer to share a room with another participant, the cost drops to $160. There is still space available for this retreat, but please contact Laurie Lewis by October 27 to make a reservation.

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