Thursday, January 6, 2011

Serve others...

Dear Urban Abbey members & friends:

As we begin the new year and contemplate resolutions and changes we want to effect in our lives this year, I have been drawn to the 3rd element of our Rule of Life -- Serve others, share the tasks of the Urban Abbey community, and be mindful of God in my daily life.

How do we serve others? How do you serve others? For me, serving others is bound up with a change in my own own attitude and subjecting my will to someone else's. I find that I get so involved in doing what I want (or think I need to do) that I don't see others needs or take the time to just listen or be present with them. I find it difficult to generously give of my talent and time to our community or our larger community. It is so easy to find excuses - work, family, leisure - to satisfy my conscience. These are all worthy and needed parts of living, but it all comes down to balance in life.

The second part of this element is sharing the tasks of our Community. The measure I've heard most is that 10 percent of the members take an active part in the organization. I believe we in the Urban Abbey are called to a higher standard. If we are to be a vibrant and enriching community, we all must participate, no matter how small a part we play.

Taken together these form my resolution for this year - to work at changing my heart so that I can give of myself to others genuinely (heart as well as outward signs).

How do you serve others?

Shalom and many blessings, George

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