Last year during Lent, I began to pray portions of the Daily Office on behalf of the Urban Abbey via Twitter. I did this as a spiritual discipline for myself, but within a few days, people began to follow the prayers. They retweeted the portions they liked and a chorus of "Amens" rose up from the Twitter world; before I knew what was happening, over a thousand people were gathering for prayer each night on Twitter.
That prayer group has become a community and has now launched a new blog, The Virtual Abbey. Please check it out! We welcome your participation as readers, commenters and even as writers, if the spirit so moves you. Editorial and submision guidelines are available upon request by sending a message to info [at] thevirtualabbey.com.
The name of the Twitter account has been changed to @Virtual_Abbey to more accurately reflect the nature of the group that gathers to pray each night. Also, the online community has launched a new Facebook page to discuss Benedictine spirituality and modern monasticism and to share resources with each other. Please join us at any or all of these electronic venues!
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